Anney Bolgiano is a writer and professor who lives in Washington, D.C.
Welcome to my website. It is mostly just a link to my CV, a bio, and a list of publications.
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Bio: Anney Bolgiano teaches writing at The University of Maryland and George Washington University. Her debut chapbook, FLAT-PACK, won the DIAGRAM/New Michigan Press 2021 Chapbook Contest. Anney’s poems, collages, stories, and essays have appeared in The Iowa Review, TriQuarterly, DIAGRAM, Nashville Review, Salamander, The Rupture, Thin Air, A Velvet Giant, HAD, CTRL + V, The Figure One, Frances House, and elsewhere (see full publications list below). As an educator, she has experience working with students of (almost) all ages and with a variety of learning styles and differences. She has taught at the undergraduate, high school, and middle school levels, as well as at summer camps, and in one-on-one tutoring sessions. As her schedule allows, she takes on tutoring clients who are seeking writing support.
Publications & Exhibitions
“My Grandmother Took So Much Tylenol That After Her Death an Autopsy Revealed She Had Grown an Accessory Lobe On Her Liver” (essay) in The Iowa Review
“Junior Steaks” (story) in Aquifer: The Florida Review Online (Selected by Kristen Arnett for inclusion in the 2024 “Best of The Net” anthology)
“I’m Leaving a Quart of Plain Yogurt in the Fridge and if You Don’t Want to Eat It, Would You Mind Throwing It Out?” (story) in HAD
“The Best Pedagogical Way” (essay) in TriQuarterly Issue 161
FLAT-PACK (visual poetry chapbook) New Michigan Press, Spring 2022. Winner of the 2021 DIAGRAM/New Michigan Press Chapbook Contest.
“Words For Burning” (poem) in The Rupture, Issue #11
“Flat-Pack: Excerpts” (three poems excerpted from FLAT-PACK manuscript) in DIAGRAM
“Flat-Pack: Excerpts” (five poems excerpted from FLAT-PACK manuscript) in CTRL + V, Issue #10
“The Driveway” (poem) in Salamander, Issue #52
“Easter Sunday” (essay) in The Nashville Review, Issue #32
“Pandemic Apology Erasure: Bryant Culpepper” (poem) in Thin Air
“Pandemic Apology Erasure: Zoom, Compass Coffee, and Rudy Gobert” (poems) in The Figure One
“Pandemic Apology Erasure: Brady Sluder” (poem) in Francis House
“Everything Here is Beautiful” (essay) in Bending Genres, Issue #15
“WXG” and “Me and Mr. Tree” (poems) in Door is a Jar, Issue #15
“Unmade” (paintings) Fall for the Book Festival Call and Response Exhibit, Fenwick Gallery, George Mason University, October 3rd-November 9th, 2019
“The Cashiers and How Happy They Seemed” (essay) in Funny Looking Dog Quarterly, Issue 2
“Congressional Funeral on C-Span Radio,” “Students Who,” “Feast” (poems) in Funny Looking Dog Quarterly, Issue 2
“Moths Can Swim” (flash/prose poem) in A Velvet Giant, Issue #4 (Pushcart Prize nominated)
“In the Rooms of Boys Like Benny” (short story) in District Lines, Volume #5